Beechwood Shores H O A

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Beechwood Shores HOA
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Next HOA Meeting
March 10th, 2025
@ 7:00pm at the Clubhouse
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The leaf dump is still open.
$50 for key. Good for one year. Email Lloyd Weeks at for info. Leaves only.
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Clubhouse Renovation

The clubhouse renovation continues to progress very well. 

I want to thank the countless individuals who have made this possible with their time and effort and for their leadership in making it happen in a timely manner. I also want to respect the wishes of those who have diligently worked hard to provide an improved facility for us to enjoy in the years to come. 

Accordingly, the clubhouse will remain closed to all activities until the reveal celebration scheduled for the evening of the March 10 Board meeting. 

Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Ben Spencer, HOA President

Coming Soon
Clubhouse to Re-open March 10

After countless hours of hard work by a few volunteers here in Beechwood Shores, our clubhouse has a whole new look. Come out and see the beautiful transformation for yourself.

Reveal happens Monday, March 10th at 6:00 p.m. followed by the monthly HOA meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Refreshments will be served.